Been away for awhile....real life gets messy sometimes....so feeling anxious to get back to my creative life again....but with a different intention this time....a little bit back to the basics I guess, rediscover/redefine what I want to do and make. So thank you to all of you who emailed asking about when I will teach encaustic workshops next. I am sorry to say not anytime soon. Or I should say not in the intensive workshop format as I did before in my studio or at various venues doing demos and classes. I have been working full time outside of the studio so my time is currently limited and my goal is to teach less and just make work...make work, make work, draw, take photographs and document all of it...past and present and look ahead to a new, different approach with fresh eyes which will unfold on this blog. I am excited to be in the zone again....love going through all my hundreds/thousands of photos I"ve taken that I will slowly post on here. My photography has always been an essential part of my process and I am directing my creative journey back to my own personal path....which includes all the twists and turns. So let's see where this takes me!