My Studio featured on Linda Womack's Embracing Encaustic Blog
A few years ago at the 1st Annual Encaustic Painting Conference, I met Linda Womack, a wonderful artist, instructor, and author from Portland, Oregon. We were both exhibiting work in the show "Hot Stuff" at the 301 Gallery at the Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, MA. Linda and Bill Womack have since authored two editions of their book titled Embracing Encaustic: Learning to paint with beeswax. When Linda is not teaching, painting or traveling, she chronicles her adventures in art on her wildly successful blog titled Embracing Encaustic - Adventures in Painting with Molten Wax. Her work is now showing in "Working in Wax" at the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek, CA. from May 3 - June 21, 2009.
Linda Womack working in her studio in Portland, OR.
Last month I met up with Linda here in Seattle at my studio. She created this studio video and featured it on her blog. Check that out here. Thanks Linda!!
Linda visiting my studio in Seattle, WA.
We also met with local artist Ted Loomis, an encaustic painter and friend we met at the conference, to hear a lecture and see the work of Betsy Eby. Her exhibition Abundance was showing at Winston Wachter Fine Art here in Seattle. It was a nice opportunity to meet Betsy and see her beautiful work!
Betsy Eby "Cynthera" 2009 Encaustic on Panel 60" x 60"
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