"The Encyclopedia Project is a collaborative activity organized by Atlanta's Art House Co-op to bring together artists to create a visual lexicon of words provided to the participants at random. From a pool of over 6000 paintings, 1200 were chosen to represent a sample of this mass effort. The collaborators are from 48 states and 21 countries fulfilling Art House Co-op's philosophy of "bringing art to the masses" and creating both a physical place to share art, through the foundation, as well as a virtual space online for people to share their portfolios and sketchbooks.
The Project will be exhibited for 6 weeks in the Atlanta Airport Atrium Gallery and then travel to the Art House Gallery in Atlanta's art district, Castleberry Hill. The Art House Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 catalog will now be available at the opening on September 25, 2009."
The Project will be exhibited for 6 weeks in the Atlanta Airport Atrium Gallery and then travel to the Art House Gallery in Atlanta's art district, Castleberry Hill. The Art House Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 catalog will now be available at the opening on September 25, 2009."

I have been involved with several projects now with Art House. It has been an interesting way to get creative in a quick fast sketching kind of way.....like studies/ideas for later work.....Most if not all of my paintings take weeks or months to do and these past collaborative projects have been fun allowing me to think out of my personal box. It also connects me with other artists around the world who I may not have met any other way. I recently met Michelle Moode who was part of the Sketchbook Project earlier this year and will be in the upcoming 10,000 Project that I am also preparing work for as I write this.....Michelle was a visiting artist this summer at the Kirkland Arts Center and I was happy to meet her and see the"Michelle Moode Picture Show" as she called it. She makes wonderful work and writes about Seattle here.
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