Trees-Part One: A Living Palette of Color and Texture

Trees have always been revered as having unusual strength and durability and are symbols of courage, fortitude, fertility, wisdom and longevity.

Somehow, in all my artwork over the years, I always include some reference to trees. My photo collection is full of tree portraits exhibiting bold textures, color, patterns, oddities, carvings, sculpture, autographs, scarring, peeling layers, branches, leaf skeletons and veins, moss, tree rings, reflections, shadows, roots, sacred trees and shrines, insect engravings and bark cloth. Just to name a few. Here is Part One of my research documenting numerous trees along with other images that mimic aspects of trees.

Two of my favorite books about trees are titled "Meetings with Remarkable Trees" and "Remarkable Trees of the World" by Thomas Pakenham. He pays homage to some of the largest and most ancient trees in the world, all with strong personalities.

Tree sculpture in St. Louis, MO.

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